New companies of lithium battery industry benefit from IPO

New batch of lithium battery industry chain companies benefit from IPO According to incomplete statistics, since 2022, nearly 20 companies in the lithium battery industry chain have been preparing for IPOs, including lithium battery, battery materials, and lithium battery manufacturing equipment providers. The total amount of funds to be raised exceeds 20 billion yuan, most…

Power solid battery

Lithium, lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel hydride batteries

Advantages and disadvantages of lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride and lithium batteries   Lead-acid batteries At present, it is mainly valve-regulated sealed lead-acid batteries. The new double tab, wound type, and valve-regulated sealed lead-acid batteries have been used in HEV as trial, and the energy density is higher than that of ointment.        …

Lithium Battery ESS

Battery energy storage: tech improve of new energy storage

Battery energy storage: Improve the construction level of new energy storage technologies A few days ago, China issued the “Notice on Further Promoting the Participation of New Energy Storage in the Electricity Market and Dispatching Application”. As the first policy document for new energy storage to participate in the power market and dispatch operation, the…

Breakthrough in CaTiO3 PV cell manufacturing equipment

Breakthrough in CaTiO3 cell manufacturing equipment, cluster-type multi-cavity evaporation equipment of mass production photovoltaic delivered.   CaTiO3 solar cells CaTiO3 solar cells are solar cells using perovskite-type organic metal halide semiconductors as photoelectric conversion materials. Commercial mass production of perovskite photovoltaic products is being further accelerated. In the context of the continuous rise in the…